Imes Moulds

Our Company

Imes Moulds

Moulds for glass processing

Glass products

For over 30 years, we have been producing press, centrifuge, automatic and semi-automatic blown and manually engraved glass moulds. 

The moulds we produce meet all kinds of requests from customers in different sectors: from the giftware industry, furniture and lighting to sculptors and designers for the realisation of their own works.

The care we take in the design and production phases combined with the experience we have gained over time have earned us trust and made us the reference point for national and international operators in the glass sector. 

Respect of deadlines
About us

Glass moulds


The design office and production area work in synergy to transform ideas into innovative products.


New technologies

In the design and production phases, sophisticated executive projects are realised on time.

Quality products

Specialised workers

Our continuously trained staff has a craftsmanship-like ability to guarantee a high quality product.

Product testing


We carry out constant tests on glass moulds to ensure quality products.

Leading glass company

Products and Services

State-of-the-art technologies combined with our specialised workforce and respect for deadlines make our company a leader in the glass industry and above all an ideal partner for developing innovative solutions to remain competitive in the market.

Machining of glass patterns

A territory with a vocation for glass production

Colle di Val d'Elsa is an area renowned for its tradition in glassmaking. Located in the Tuscan region of Italy, this place is an authentic craft and industrial excellence with a long history in glassblowing and glass art. The presence of craft workshops and companies specialising in the production of glass objects and glass moulds makes Colle di Val d'Elsa a vital centre for the art of glassmaking, contributing to the preservation and innovation of Italian glassmaking traditions.

Imes Moulds has been rooted in the Colle area for over 30 years, gaining experience over time alongside prestigious glass companies. This has made IMES Moulds a sure reference point for national and international operators in the glass sector.

Know how


years of experience

Advanced technologies for glass mould production

Attention in design and production

Prompt customer service